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Gear update

June 20 2024

Hi nonexisting reader. As you can imagine, a lot has happened in the yeas which has passed. i had kind of given up on the website, mostly because i couldn't be bothered to keep updating it. but ig i am now for some reason, and there's a photography section as well. yay! So, picking up where we left off, the Zenit arrived, but it came broken. so i got the seller to send me a chinon cs 1 at a discounted price. i still have the Zenit, and i hope to either find someone who can repair it, or have a go at it myself. Once the film arrived, it loaded up my dad's yashica and shot a few photos.

I came back to uni, finished the yashica roll and loaded up the chinon. those photos can be fonud in the photography section. It took me the entirety of the semester to finish those one and a half rolls. the rate at which i exhaust rolls rose concerningly quickly during the next semester, as I enrolled myself in a film photography course. during this time, i shot around 20 rolls and picked up 3 more cameras, bringing my total to 6! I think i might be develoging a problem. I am currently in the process of digitizing these rolls and uploading them to the website, so they should appear on here sometime in the next year.

I also learned developing black and white film and darkroom printing. Now that the class is finished, i do not have access to the university's darkroom, so i have bought a paterson development tank and changing bag. I also bought a bulk roll of kentemere 100, which should last me for some time. I am in my black and white photography era, if you will.

so yeah, that's what has happened. i'll maybe try to update this more frequently. I want to write opinion pieces on the cameras that i have. they all have an "origin story" and are flawed in one way or the other. but that makes them more unique in a sense, and i love them the way they are. I'll also maybe write short posts on phootgraphy trips i may take (mostly around the block) and showcase my favorite photos.

alright then, take care